
10 Successful Found Lost City in the World

10. The City of The Caesars

The city is known as the City of Wandering and Patagonia Town, City of the Caesars is a mythical city believed to be located at the southern tip of South America in the area known as Patagonia. City was never found, and at this point is considered more legend than anything else, according to colonial explorers said the city was founded by the survivors of a Spanish shipwreck, and is believed to have a large number of gold and jewelery. Over time, a number of legends have formed around the City of the Caesars, saying that it was inhabited by 10-foot tall giant, and ad mythical ghost town that can appear and disappear at will.

9. Troy

 Troy Homer's famous epic poem within, Troy once-legendary city located in modern Turkey. Known as the site of the Trojan War, which is one of the best films mnurut 1 ane gan .. Ancient Troy is someone strong fortified city that stands on a hill near the river Scamander. Coastal location allowed it to become a naval power, and the plains nearby land available for agriculture is good. was first excavated in the 1870s by Heinrich Schliemann, different cities on the site, which for years has been built on top of each other. Although it was once a seat of power looming, the result of many years of digging and often looted by tourists.


8. The Lost City of Z

Supposedly located deep in the jungles of Brazil, the city lost Z said as an advanced civilization with a sophisticated network of bridges, roads, and temples. Speculation about Z began after the document was found in which a Portuguese explorer confirmed that he had visited the city in 1753, but otherwise there is no evidence of its existence has ever been found. Z is the city's most famous explorers to attract interest of Percy Fawcett, who in 1925 disappeared without a trace while searching, and over the years a number of other adventurers have died or disappeared, while on the trail. In recent years, a city known as the Amazon Rainforest Kuhikugu found evidence to suggest the castle and sophisticated techniques.

7. Petra

Petra Jordan is located near the Dead Sea and is believed to have been a Nabataean caravan trade center. The most prominent feature is the beautiful stone architecture, carved from the rock of the surrounding mountains. Petra a city with a natural fortress when it was established as the capital in 100 BC, and evidence suggests that many features of other technological advances such as dams and reservoirs, which helps the residents the flood channel and store water for use in times of drought. After hundreds of years of prosperity, the city went into decline after the Romans conquered the region, and the 363-year earthquake which destroyed several buildings and infrastructure paralyzed. Petra was eventually abandoned, and it stood for years in the desert before revealed to the world at large in 1812 by a Swiss explorer.

6. El Dorado

El Dorado is a mythical empire supposedly found in the jungles of South America. It literally means "The Golden one" in Spanish, the city is said to be led by a strong king and hold untold riches of gold and jewelry. At the time of the conquistadors, the city was the subject of constant fascination, and several disastrous expeditions launched in the search. The most famous of these was led by Gonzalo Pizarro, who in 1541 led a group of 300 soldiers and several thousand Indians into the woods to search for El Dorado. They found no evidence of the city or property, and after it was destroyed by disease, starvation, and attacks by natives, the expedition was abandoned.

5. Memphis

Established in the year 3100 BC, Memphis was the capital of ancient Egypt, and served as the administrative center of civilization for hundreds of years before the rise of Thebes and was left with Alexandria. At its peak, Memphis has an estimated population of over 30,000, which would make it the largest city of antiquity. For years, Memphis location is lost, and it is a matter of debate among archaeologists before it was rediscovered by Napoleon's expedition in the late 1700s, unfortunately, the stones of the ruins have been adapted to build settlements nearby, and many important parts of the site remains lost to historians.

4. Angkor

Cambodia Angkor region served as the center of power for the Khmer Empire from 800 AD to the 1400's. The area was abandoned after a slow decline that ended with an invasion by the Thai army in 1431, leaving the big city and thousands of Buddhist temples to be reclaimed by the jungle. The city is relatively untouched until the 1800s, when a group of French archaeologists began to recover. Famous Angkor Wat temples are generally considered to be the largest religious monument there.

3. Pompeii

Roman city of Pompeii was destroyed in AD 79 after the close of the volcano Vesuvius erupted and buried the entire community under 60 feet of ash and rock. The city is estimated to have about 20,000 residents at the time, and it is considered as one of the prime vacation spot for the upscale community of Rome. After the eruption, the ruins stood for 1,700 years before being accidentally rediscovered in 1748 by the workers to build the palace of the King of Naples, and has since been a constant source of Pompeii excavations by archaeologists. Ironically, the devastation caused by Vesuvius, the pda then menengelamkan with so many wall paintings and sculptures, making Pompeii essential part of modern historians' understanding of life in ancient Rome. and only found the remains of the city.

2. Atlantis

At this point it is quite easy to write Atlantis off as nothing more than a myth, but this legendary city has been a source of speculation since the philosopher Plato first wrote about it in 360 BC described by Plato as an advanced civilization and a great naval power, Atlantis said to have conquered most of Europe before sinking into the sea as a result of some kind of environmental disaster. While Plato's story seen by most as a work of fiction, with a description of a great civilization years ahead of its time technology has captured the imagination of many writers and aspiring adventurer, and there are a lot of expeditions launched to search for this city.

1. Machu Picch

Machu Picchu secluded town near the Urubamba Valley in Peru, the city was never found and plundered by the conquistadors, and not until historian Hiram Bingham visited in 1911 it became known outside the region. The city is divided into districts, and features over 140 different structures bounded by stone walls are polished. It is said to have been built in the 1400's by the Incas and was abandoned less than 100 years later, most likely when the population is removed by smallpox brought over from Europe. There is much speculation about what used to Machu Picchu, and also why the Incas chose such a strange building at the site. Some people say this is a temple of sorts, while others argue that it was used as a prison, but baru2 research suggests that it may be a personal treasure Inca emperor Pachacuti, and the location was chosen because of the nearby mountains prominently in Inca mythology.









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