
Personality based on the first letter in the name

Science especial letters, according Hoeda Sweet, has been there since the time of Pythagoras was alive. This philosopher who introduced for the first time. Is there a relationship between the first letter in the name of a person with the character in question? The answer is very varied course. For those of you who believe and do not believe this, think of it all as a means to stir it. Enjoy.
With the name "A" For the First LetterOutgoing, friendly, and outgoing and loved it so much. Unfortunately, it was difficult to muffle emotions. In matters of love it very easily charmed at first sight.
With the name "B" As First LetterQuiet, polite, graceful, and like new things. The drawback lies in the sensitive nature so easily offended. In addition, he had little difficulty in expressing his feelings. For business it includes the type of romantic love and love to be pampered by her partner.
With the name "C" As First LetterArticulate so very alluring the people around him. Unfortunately, a bit selfish and forget that every word must be followed by appropriate action. For the love affair he had entered the ranks of the possesif.
With the name "D" As the First LetterReserved and tend to "talk less, do more". The weakness lies in the nature uncertain and ragunya. He is the romantic type but are often plagued by feelings of jealousy to her partner.
With the name "E" For the First LetterMoody aka fickle. If he felt he was overcome with gembiara be easy to do anything. Once the heart is not well, he is likely to resist any activity offered. When it comes to romance her in the open category in all respects. He will not hesitate to tell different things to their partner. This is a reflection of the amount of trust in the partner.
Name the "F" For the First LetterKeinginnya strong, his steadfast principles, consistent behavior. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to forgive those who had hurt him. He was very romantic and sensual in love. He also hoped to get a couple who are both sensual with her.
With the name "G" As First LetterHis mind is brilliant so easy to solve every problem. The weakness lies in the nature of the easily swayed by circumstances and environment. For business the romance he among those who like mennentukan picky couple.
With the name "H" For the First LetterSensitive, delicate and high-strung, and easily falls sympathetic to the suffering of others. Unfortunately, he often rush into making a decision. In terms of romance she was very patient and loyal to their partners. She hopes that her lover could increase the potential that had been had.
Name the "I" as the First LetterHis personality is very independent but has the disadvantage in memepercayai people. It is difficult for him to be immediately believe. Suspicious luggage only. For the love affair she has a great need to be loved and always diperhatian by her partner. Nevertheless, it is often forgotten that to be loved wholeheartedly previous gotta love wholeheartedly anyway.
With the name "J" As First LetterFriendly, fun, and easy to adapt to the environment. Unfortunately, he often hesitated in making a decision. For business asamara he entered the ranks of the romantic and knows very well how to treat pasngannya well.
With the name "K" As the First LetterCheerful, easy smile, and easy to make others laugh. The weakness lies in the nature of the less open. Every conflict with a friend he is more likely to harbor feelings than express them openly. He remarkable figure in love because it is very good at making partner is cheerful and happy.
With the name "L" As First LetterFriendly, charming, and jaunty. The drawback lies in the often do not keep their promises or invitation. For the love affairs, in addition to being romantic, he is also an idealist. He was willing to sacrifice for his love to his partner.
With the name "M" For the First LetterIntelligent, creative, and innovative. The weakness lies in stubbornness. For the love affairs he is a very total. He never half-half in loving someone.
Name the "N" As First LetterCompassionate, what it is, dandy. Kelemahanya lies in the simple nature of fragility in the face of problems. When it comes to romance he is often uncertain and less confident to love themselves and love lover.
Name the "O" As First LetterFree, do not want to be tied to the other, formidable in pursuit. Unfortunately he is arrogant, even underestimate the ability of others. In his love affairs tend to be less sensitive to their partner and often do not know how to treat a good lover.
With the name "P" As First LetterDynamic, kreatis, and high-spirited. The weakness lies in the extravagant nature. For the love affairs she is a good fun so do not make her boyfriend bored.
With the name "Q" For the First LetterLoyal, reliable, and trustworthy. The weakness lies in the nature easily provoked emotions and confrontational. In matters of love he is very enthusiastic in giving attention to his girlfriend.
Name the "R" As First LetterHard worker, dedicated, and determined in the establishment. The drawback lies in the nature perfeksionisnya so often denounce or criticize the work of others. For the love affair he was hoping to get a couple more intelligent than himself. He hopes his partner can guide him when he was mired in a dilemma.
The name "S" As First LetterEasy to keep his promise, intelligent, and diligent. The weakness lies in the emotions that often explosive when let down someone. In terms of romance he is very selective in choosing a partner, and even tend to be closed.
Name the "T" as the First LetterFast, precise, and accurate in making decisions. The weakness lies in the nature of want to stand out and to be selfish. For the love affairs he was very enthusiastic about the relationship with her lover. He knows very well how to please their partner.
Name the "U" as the First LetterThe figure of a good friend, open, and easy to help. The weakness lies in the nature of your nervousness. He is also very resistant to even the slightest criticism. For the love affairs, he himself suffered principled better than suffering partner.
Name the "V" For the First LetterIn general the figure he became calm, graceful, gentle, and shy. He could turn out to be chatty when are the people nearby. Perhaps that is the weakness. When it comes to romance he is personally open to accept her lover is.
Name the "W" For the First LetterFriendly, sympathetic, and sociable. The drawback lies in stubbornness. For the love affairs he was very idealistic. So in love, he would give all his love to his girlfriend.
With the name "X" For the First LetterVirtuous character delicate, sensitive, and responsive to the suffering of others. Unfortunately she was very irritable. In his love affairs tend to get bored. The more so if the spouse does not understand his personality.
Name the "Y" As First LetterGood friend, full of sympathy, not much to say, and do not like to stand out. The weakness lies in its inability to file the opinion in front of crowds. But in matters of love, she is very good at expressing emotions to her lover.
With the name "Z" As First LetterClever adjust to the environment alias adaptable, and humorous. The disadvantage terletka the attitude of wanting to stand out. For the love affairs, he was a person who always tries to realize its promises to their partners.
That a person's character when seen by the first letter of his name. Is there a match with the character name or the name of your lover? Please examined alone.

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