
DirectX 11.1 will not be available for Windows 7 and exclusive only on the Windows 8

Microsoft seems to push too far the campaign uses Windows 8 slowly discontinue support & development of Windows 7.

Having previously reported Windows 7 will not get SP2 is now one of the staff Microsoft (DanielMoth) confirmed via the official MSDN forums that the latest version of DirectX 11.1 will not be present in Windows 7.

(Note: DirectX is a collection of APIs are the essential elements for the software on Windows-based multimedia applications such as games and video editing)

DirectX 11.1 itself will add some features, but the most notable is the presence of features natively support stereoscopic 3D (3D effect requiring special glasses). Despite the fact that the 3D stereoscopic feature already exists and is available in several games, but the implementation is difficult and limited because game developers have menprogram particularly suitable type of graphics card / GPU.

Microsoft's attempt to not release the latest version of DirectX to Windows 7 probably will not have much effect on users especially gamers who choose not to upgrade to Windows 8 for various reasons (absence of start menu, metro UI, lost a bit of performance, etc.).

The decision may even make the game developers being wait-and-see and delay the use of DX 11.1 on homemade games and prefer to support Win7, which in turn inhibits the development of DirectX 11.1. This further exacerbates the fact that a majority of the outstanding games still rely on older versions of DirectX 9 and still minimal that rely on version 10 or 11.

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